3ª Reunião presencial do Projeto Erasmus+ Historical Places Build relations

On Monday, (10thOctober), after the reception to all the Erasmus Participants in the Auditorium, by our Principal, Célia Simões, we were divided in mixed groups and our mission was to present the Erasmus Project in some 8th and 7th grade classes. The students were very pleased and motivated with our presentation and wanted to know more about the Project.
Afterwards we went to the Town Hall, where we were received by a City Councillor in the beautiful Main Hall. We were impressed by the inside of the building with lovely blue ceramic tiles, where we could see some buildings of the city and surroundings.
At lunch time we went to a buffet restaurant “Fogo de chão” where we could taste traditional food.
After the delicious meal, we had the opportunity to visit, in a guided tour, our City Theatre “Teatro do Circo”. The stage, the backstage, the chairs, the theatre boxes, everything was fascinating!!!
Our next place, after a short walk in the city centre, was the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte. We went up on the water-balanced funicular and because it was raining, we didn´t go down by the staircase. So, we couldn’t appreciate the view and all the small Chapels and Statues.
But I think all the group enjoyed this emblematic historic place!
Our visit in our city was almost over and it was time to go back to school, by bus.
Gonçalo Loureiro 8thB and Martim Rodrigues 8th B

On Tuesday (11th October), the Erasmus students participated in different activities.
About 9 o´clock, all the groups prepared the exhibition of the works on the topic “Giving a Lost Place a Memory” and presented the different steps of the final work.
Afterwards we went to the Secondary School D. Maria II where we were received by teachers and students who talked about the Project, study areas and showed the different facilities of the school.
Then it was our turn to make a short presentation of our Erasmus Project in some classes. We had the opportunity to answer some students’ doubts and I think they loved our work.
About 12 o´clock we had lunch at the Museum “D. Diogo de Sousa”, followed by a guided visit to the Museum and Ruins of the Roman Bath. This visit was incredible!
In my opinion, the Erasmus Project gives us an excellent life experience and to receive in our home a teenager that we don’t know, is a “strange” sensation at the beginning, but then we quickly make future connections.
Mariana Correia 9 th D

On Wednesday, (12thOctober) morning, the meeting point was the school library, where we had the chance to interact with all the Erasmus students.
At 9ºclock we went to the school gym to do some physical activities, inside and outside, prepared by the gym teachers at our school.
We participated in a typical Portuguese folk dance “Regadinho”, played badminton, volleyball, football and practiced skating and cycling. We also did stretch and relaxation exercises, which have been quite important after the big effort during the morning.
We all found this day very funny, as we were able to enjoy a little bit of various sports/ activities, while observing the technique of the other Erasmus students.
Artur 8th A, Artur 8 th B and Mateus 8th D
On Thursday (12th October) we had the chance to go to the beautiful city of Oporto.
We visited the “Sandeman” Cellar, one of the world’s most recognizable port wine brand and we could see the barrels where the wine is kept, and the bottles that have been aging since the early 1900. The symbol of the cellar is an image created in 1928, representative of Spain, by the “sombrero” and by the traditional “Capa” of the Portuguese university students. Mr. Sandeman chose two wines, a Spanish, from Jerez de la Frontera and a Portuguese, from Douro River, to be imported to England.
Afterwards we made an hour boat trip between the bridges, in the river Douro.
After lunch, in the city center we had the opportunity to see the City Hall, the Lello bookshop ( place of inspiration represented in the writer J.K. Rowling’ sagas of Harry Potter) and Clérigos Tower.
We took a lot of beautiful photos and everybody was delighted with the beauty of the city.
The program of this day was very enriching and well planned for only a day!!!
Lara Martins, 8thC
Matilde Ferreira, 8thB

Sexta-feira dia 14 de outubro
O último dia das atividades começou no auditório, com a apresentação dos vídeos da semana, e entrega dos certificados de participação pela senhora diretora.
Comemoramos os dias Erasmus com depoimentos dos alunos de todas as escolas que participam no projeto e com um brunch com tudo o que de melhor a nossa gastronomia tem para oferecer.
Enquanto Coordenador do Projeto Erasmus + “Historical Places Build Relations” vivi uma semana memorável com intensa dedicação, disponibilidade, e incomensurável trabalho dos nossos alunos, das suas famílias, da nossa equipa, dos nossos colegas, da nossa direção, dos assistentes operacionais e assistentes técnicos, do município de Braga e dos colegas da escola D. Maria II, que transformaram a semana de 10 a 14 de outubro numa referência ao nível da organização e acolhimento de um projeto Erasmus +.
Mostrámos o valor da nossa escola, da nossa cidade e do nosso país.
Promovemos aprendizagens, a cooperação, a qualidade e a excelência.
Com a colaboração de todos fizemos mais e melhor, com o unânime reconhecimento dos nossos parceiros de Mutriku (País Basco – Espanha, León (Espanha), Gaggenau (Alemanha), Giugliano in Campania (Itália) e Carregal do Sal (Portugal) que consideraram esta, a melhor experiência de todas as suas participações em projetos Erasmus+.
Jorge Cidade
Coordenador do projeto Erasmus +